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"I Zgradić"
Morfološke odlike idiopatskih inflamatornih miopatija (2002)
L. Petrović Rackov, Z. Anđelković, N. Pejinović, I. Zgradić, L. Arsić, N. Prodanović, Z. Mijušković, Morfološke odlike idiopatskih inflamatornih miopatija, Balneoclimatologia , Vol. 126, No. 2, pp. 37 - 42, 2002 -
Sindromi preklapanja sistemskih bolesti vezivnog tkiva (2002)
L. Petrović Rackov, I. Zgradić, N. Prodanović, L. Arsić, Z. Mijušković, M. Popović, Sindromi preklapanja sistemskih bolesti vezivnog tkiva, Balneoclimatologia , Vol. 126, No. 2, pp. 147 - 153, 2002 -
Correlation between radiographic stages of gonarthritis and bone mineral density (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, J. Vasić, I. Zgradić, Correlation between radiographic stages of gonarthritis and bone mineral density, OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, pp. 10 - 10, 2003 -
Procena uspešnosti antiresorptivne terapije osteoporoze merene veličinom promena koštano specifične alkalne fosfataze (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Procena uspešnosti antiresorptivne terapije osteoporoze merene veličinom promena koštano specifične alkalne fosfataze, Balneoclimatologia , pp. 255 - 256, 2004 -
The significance of helical peptides in the assessment of bone metabolism in active rheumatoid arthritis (2005)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, The significance of helical peptides in the assessment of bone metabolism in active rheumatoid arthritis, CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY, pp. 1 - 2, 2005 -
Triamcinolone hexacetonide therapy compared to nimesulid in knee osteoarthritis (2002)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, L. Rackov, L. Arsić, R. Popović, I. Zgradić, Triamcinolone hexacetonide therapy compared to nimesulid in knee osteoarthritis, 2002 -
„Markeri koštanog metabolizma i BMD u proceni uspešnosti terapije postmenopoauzalne osteoporoze Trisekvensom (2002)
N. Prodanović, b. Božić, l. Rackov, l. Arsić, r. Popović, I. Zgradić, „Markeri koštanog metabolizma i BMD u proceni uspešnosti terapije postmenopoauzalne osteoporoze Trisekvensom, 2002 -
Kombinovana primena metotreksata i arave u lečenju teških refraktarnih formi reumatoidnog artritisa (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, R. Popović, I. Zgradić, Kombinovana primena metotreksata i arave u lečenju teških refraktarnih formi reumatoidnog artritisa, 2003 -
Methotrexate treatment in combination with arava in pathients with severe refractory rheumatoid arthritis (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, R. Popović, I. Zgradić, Methotrexate treatment in combination with arava in pathients with severe refractory rheumatoid arthritis, 2003 -
Bone markers and BMD used to estimate the success rate of postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment with fosamax (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, L. Rackov, L. Arsić, I. Zgradić, Bone markers and BMD used to estimate the success rate of postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment with fosamax, 2003 -
The role of bone mineral measurment with gonarthritis (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, J. Vasić, I. Zgradić, The role of bone mineral measurment with gonarthritis, 2003 -
Correlation between radiogarphic satges of gonarthritis and bone mineral density (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Correlation between radiogarphic satges of gonarthritis and bone mineral density, 2003 -
Percent of some risk factors with women in different radiographic stages of gonarthritis (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Percent of some risk factors with women in different radiographic stages of gonarthritis, 2003 -
Povezanost radiografskih stadijuma gonarthritisa i nivoa koštane gustine (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Povezanost radiografskih stadijuma gonarthritisa i nivoa koštane gustine, 2003 -
Influence of risk factors for gonarthritis in different radiographic stages of disease (2003)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, A. Galić, L. Arsić, L. Rackov Petrović, I. Zgradić, Influence of risk factors for gonarthritis in different radiographic stages of disease, pp. 217 - 222, 2003 -
Povezanost faktora rizika i fraktura kod žena sa osteoporozom (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Povezanost faktora rizika i fraktura kod žena sa osteoporozom, 2004 -
C terminalni propeptid kolagena tip I i deoksipiridinolin u poređenju postmenopauzanle osteoporoze alendronatom i HCT (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, C terminalni propeptid kolagena tip I i deoksipiridinolin u poređenju postmenopauzanle osteoporoze alendronatom i HCT, 2004 -
Bone specific alkaline phosphatase and C terminal propeptide collagen type I in evaluating the successfulness of therapy by alendronate in treating osteoporotic women in Serbia (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Bone specific alkaline phosphatase and C terminal propeptide collagen type I in evaluating the successfulness of therapy by alendronate in treating osteoporotic women in Serbia, 2004 -
The percentage of risk factors for women in Serbia with lower bone mineral density (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, The percentage of risk factors for women in Serbia with lower bone mineral density, 2004 -
Estimate the success of antiosteoporotic therapy by measuring of change of bone specific alkaline phosphatase values (2004)
N. Prodanović, B. Božić, I. Zgradić, Estimate the success of antiosteoporotic therapy by measuring of change of bone specific alkaline phosphatase values, 2004